1) |

What is this rank?
2) |

What pay grade is this?
3) |

What rank is this?
4) |
5) |

What rank is this?
6) |

What pay grade is this?
7) |

What rank is this?
8) |

What rank is this?
9) |

What pay grade is this?
10) |

What rank is this?
11) |

What rank is this?
12) |

What rank is this?
13) |

What rank is this?
14) |
What is the first step to evaluating a casualty?
15) |
When checking for responsiveness, what are the first three steps you take, in order?
16) |
When evaluating a casualty what steps do you take to check for breathing?
17) |
What are the steps for evaluating a casualty?
18) |
What are the signs to look for when checking for shock?
19) |
True or False, you should always uncover a wound to see the severity.
20) |
What are the exact steps for checking for burns?
21) |
What are the signs and symptoms to look for when checking for head injuries?
22) |
When performing first aid what are the steps for applying field dressing to the casualties wound?
23) |
What are the five performance steps for performing first aid for bleeding of an extremity?
24) |
What position do enlisted soldiers assume when addressing all Non-Commissioned
Officers or when noncommissioned officers address noncommissioned officers
of superior rank?
25) |
What position do enlisted soldiers assume when addressing all Commissioned
26) |
What time is 1400 hours?
27) |
What time is 3:45pm in military time?
28) |
What time is 0000 hours?
29) |

What position is this soldier in?
30) |

What position is this soldier in?
31) |

what position is this soldier in?
32) |
What is your first General Order?
33) |
What is your third General Order?
34) |
What is your second General Order?
35) |
What is Rifle spelled out in the phonetic alphabet?
36) |

What terrain feature is this?
37) |

What terrain feature is this?
38) |

What terrain feature is this?
39) |

What terrain feature is this?
40) |
What are the Army values?