where would you punch me?
below the navel
on the navel
above the navel
would you enjoy punching me?
What would you choose to punch with in the contest?
Boxing gloves – for a solid punch without hurting my hands
Bare fists – I want to feel the impact and hit with my own strength
Brass knuckles – I’m going for maximum force to make an impact
How much do you weigh?
Less than 100 lbs
100-150 lbs
More than 150 lbs
What’s your BMI (Body Mass Index)?
Under 18.5 (Underweight)
18.5 - 24.9 (Normal)
25 - 29.9 (Overweight)
Above 30 (obese)
Do you have two friends who would join you in this challenge?
Yes, I have two friends who’d be excited for this
Probably – I think I could convince two friends
Not sure, but I’d try to find teammates
Are your friends on the heavier side, with a bit of extra weight?
How old are you?
15 or older
f you had to punch nonstop for three minutes to win $50, who would you rather punch?
The 20-year-old with a strong core and abs
Three kids my age with softer bellies
How strong is your endurance? Do you think you could keep punching for three minutes without stopping?
Yes, I’d pace myself to keep going the whole time
Maybe, but I’d probably feel tired halfway through
Not sure – three minutes nonstop sounds tough, but I’d still try
Do you think you could make the 20-year-old submit with enough punches?
Definitely – I’d give it my all and aim to wear him down
Maybe, if I stay steady and keep up the pressure
Not sure, but I’d give it my best effort
If you and your two friends combined your strength, could you match the 20-year-old’s stamina?
Yes! Three of us together could keep going and push through
Possibly, if we all stay strong and take turns
Not sure – he seems like he’d have a big endurance advantage
Can you or your friends do more push-ups than the 20-year-old, who can do 30 in a row?
Yes, I think we could match or beat that combined
Maybe – with some effort, we could reach close to that number
I don’t think so, but we’d still try our best
Do you have any experience in martial arts, sports, or fitness training?
Yes, I’ve done some kind of sports or fitness training
Not much, but I’ve tried a few things now and then
Not really, but I’m interested in giving it a try
How many push-ups can you do in a row?
20 or more – I’ve got some solid upper body strength
10-19 – I’m decent but could use some more practice
Fewer than 10 – push-ups are tough, but I’m working on it!