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kids toilet scenarios

Imagine this, you have three kids. A boy(10) and two girls(9 & 14).


Which of the following would you name your oldest daughter.



Which of the following would you name your son



Which of the following would you name your youngest daughter



You are on a walk with your oldest daughter who is wearing shorts and a t shirt. She is extremely desperate to pee.



If you told her to hold it or you ignored her, she ends up having an accident. You are in the car driving home and your son is desperate to poop. He is wearing a grey tracksuit.



You are in the garden with your youngest daughter and she needs to poop. She is wearing pink joggers and a white t shirt.



Your oldest daughter and your son both need to poop really bad. They argue about who needs it more. He is wearing a long sleeve top and trousers and she is wearing a long sleeve top and baggy jeans. Who gets to go first?



Your son and your youngest daughter are in a playground. He is wearing a blue t shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. He really needs to pee. After a while, he pees his pants.



Your daughter is wearing a white t shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. She decided to go in a baby swing and got stuck. She tells you she is desperate to pee and poop.



Your daughters are in the living room. The oldest one is wearing jeans and a t shirt and the youngest one is in a t shirt and shorts. Your youngest daughter farted but turns out it wasn’t a fart.



You and all three of your children are in the car and have an hour left before you get home. All of them need to pee and poop. Eventually, your youngest daughter pees herself.



If you chose to pull over, there was no lay-by or hard shoulder to pull into. Next scenario: both of your daughters come downstairs and both of them have pooped their pants because your son was taking too long.


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