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Should you lose weight? (6-11 years)

Find out if you need to lose weight! Please don't take this too seriously, And mistakes in the results can occur. This test is only for children from 6 to 11 years. if you are older, take the test for children aged 12 to 16. Are you even older? then there is no version for you (yet). Good luck!


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What’s your age?



What’s your body type?



How many fat rolls do you have when you stand?



Sit down. How much fat rolls do you have?



Stand up and bend down. How much fat rolls do you have?



Have you this year been to a doctor, pediatrician, dietitian or school doctor? If so, what does he or she say to you about your weight?



(Does not count towards the result) What do your friends/classmates think of your weight?



(Does not count towards the result) What do friends/classmates think you should do with your weight?



(Does not count towards the result) Research question: Are you overweight? If so, do you think you should lose weight or not? If you are not overweight, but you are chubby, do you still think you should lose weight or not?



(Does not count towards the result) Question of the test: What do you think you look like when you're a teenager of 14 years old?



(Does not count towards the result) What’s your rage?



(Does not count towards the result) Do you like this test?



(Does not count towards the result) Which test should i create next?


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