Do you look alike?
We have the same hair colour and/or eye colour.
We look identical, nobody can tell us apart.
We don't look anything alike.
We look sort of similar.
Even I can't tell us apart.
Nope, nope, nope, nope. Just nope.
Can you read each other's minds?
That's impossible.
Yes, we can.
Not really, no.
Are you kidding? Our minds are intertwined, of course we can!
I'll have to think about that.
Do you have a secret language?
Of course we do! We use it all the time!
No, why would we have a secret language?
Yes, we do.
Sort of.
I'll pass this question.
I don't know.
Do you have a similar personality?
We are literally carbon copies of each other.
Yes, we like the same stuff.
Not really.
Sort of, we have our similarities and differences.
Definitely not, we are completely opposite.
Can you feel each other's pain?
No, why would we?
Sometimes, if it's severe.
Not really.
I don't know...
Yes. Whatever pain she's in, I'm in!
How many inside jokes do you have?
We don't have much, but I could write them down.
What inside jokes?
We have hundreds of them, but I forgot some of them.
We have enough to have a good laugh. And the list isn't complete.
I know all thousands of them off by heart.
Not really.
Do you say things at the same time?
Sure, I guess.
We say everything at the same time.
No, we never have.
Um...probably at some point we have.
Have you dressed alike?
We're twinning everyday. Identical from hair to shoes.
We wear similar clothing.
Sometimes, it depends.
Never. And I'm not planning to either.
Not really. I'd rather not.
Do people ask if you're twins?
Never been asked.
A few times.
We've been asked if we're sisters, but not twins.
Yeah, sometimes we do.
Not often.
Literally all the time.
Do you share everything?
All the time. In fact, I don't know which stuff belongs to me anymore.
Sometimes we share things.
I don't like to share anything. Never.
I guess. But very rarely.
Are you comfortable at your BFF's house?
Um...I've been a few times, so sort of.
No, not really.
I've never been to their house before.
I can get myself a glass of water without fear and ask for food.
I pretty much live there. And I come unannounced.
Do people confuse you?
They might've...I don't know.
Even I confuse myself with my BFF.
Um...not really.
Do you do everything together?
Absolutely everything together. We're inseparable.
Definitely not.
Sometimes, I think.
Not really.
Now that you've mentioned it, we should start doing everything together.
Yes, we do lots of things together.
Choose the following to describe your best friend.
We're best friends. We're BFF goals and we're pretty much siblings.
We're close. We're really good friends.
My BFF is pretty cool.
We hang out often and we have a good time.
We're okay, I guess. I hope we become better friends.
We are literally two halves of a whole. I'm not me without you, and I love you to bits. We are exactly the same person and we share a soul.