Are you ever aware in your dreams?
A lot of times I am aware, and I can do cool things, but it doesn't happen often.
Yes! I can even do anything I want in the dream, every night!
I am sometimes aware, but not enough to really do anything about it.
No. Is that possible?
Like, once. Actually I'm not sure...
I read about that on the internet somewhere.
Sort of. It was so blurry, though!
I think maybe.
No, I don't think so.
If you were Divergent, what factions would it be for?
Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. Like Tris!
Abnegation, Amity, and Erudite. (Me.)
Candor, Dauntless, and Abnegation.
Abnegation, Amity, and Candor.
I don't think I would be Divergent.
Dauntless, Candor, and Erudite.
Dauntless and Amity. (Me: What?)
Abnegation and Dauntless?
What are these things? What is Divergent? (Me: Go Youtube the trailer. Now. Then read the book. K?)
Considering your parents and how they are, what faction do you think you would be born in? (If your parents would be in different factions, just pick one of them.)
My parents would be in different factions, so chances are they would never meet.
If you were born in Dauntless,, would you transfer?
Maybe. I think I might be afraid of them.
If I grew up that way, I might be okay with it. But I think I would transfer.
Of course! Dauntless is scary! I would go to Amity.
I would transfer to Abnegation.
I would go to Erudite, in pursuit of knowledge.
I would go to Candor. In Dauntless people don't tale it very well when I call them fat and ugly.
I would transfer, but I don't know which faction I would transfer to.
I have no clue!!! Let's see what the aptitude tests say!
Now you're born in Abnegation. Would you transfer?
I have a hard time with Abnegation, sometimes, but none of the other factions seem any better.
No. There are factionless that need helping, people!
Yes! Why live a life of plain grey boring when you can go sing and pick flowers in Amity! Lalalalalalala!!!
Candor. People in Abnegation don't like it when I ask questions, and tell people things they need to know like they have a big nose.
Of course I would go to Erudite. I can tell by their articles that Abnegation is a stupid faction.
I have no idea!
I think maybe.
I would stay, just because that's where my family is.
What about if you were born in Candor? Stay, or transfer?
I've always been drawn to Erudite...
Abnegation. I need to learn to get my tongue under control; I always end up insulting people.
I don't know. It's so easy being in Candor because I can tell people exactly what's on my mind, but I have a tendency to lie.
I would stay in Candor. Hey, I hate your shirt.
Amity, I think!
I would be torn between two other factions.
Maybe. I love Candor, but I'm just not sure.
Where would you go if you were born in Amity?
I might stay. Amity is fun, but it bugs me a little bit.
I don't know. I hate farming.
Dauntless! Eww, I hate Amity!
Candor. I hate Amity because yellow and red make me want to puke.
Abnegation. Amity is nice because I can help people, but I would love to do that full time.
No duuhhh I would stay in Amity!
How creative are you?
Very creative. I'm probably one of the most creative people you'll ever meet.
Not really at all.
I can be creative when I want to.
Only when the situation calls for it.
Just enough to get me by.
I can be pretty creative.
Yeah! I love to draw and write and stuff.
Ok, now you HAVE to pick two factions, whether you think you're Divergent or not.
Abnegation and Erudite.
Abnegation and Dauntless.
Abnegation and Amity.
Abnegation and Candor.
Erudite and Candor.
Erudite and Dauntless.
Erudite and Candor.
Erudite and Amity.
Candor and Dauntless.
Now you have to pick two factions out of THESE.
Candor and Amity.
Amity and Dauntless.
Abnegation and Candor.
Candor and Amity.
Amity and Abnegation.
Dauntless and Erudite.
Candor and Abnegation.
How do you usually dress?
I like to look professional.
Whatever's in my closet!
Things that make me stand out, no matter how weird they are.
Nice, cute, pretty, flowy things.
Things that I like! Duh!
Clothes aren't too big of a deal to me.
Just sweats.
Do YOU think you're Divergent?
No. I can easily fit into one of the factions.
I think there's a slim chance.
Probably not.
I would think so, but there's not many Divergent people.
I can honestly say that I think I am more Divergent than most people.
I have SOME of the traits of a Divergent person.
It's about 50/50 for me.
Yeah. I think there's a good chance.